Slept in the wee tiniest bit this morning after staying up until almost Midnight last night….. wild and crazy party animals that we are. This weird ass internet we have here…. slow enough I couldn’t hardly get in here to write, let alone load pictures – but had enough bandwidth to stream Amazon Prime….. go figure~ Today was truly a down day as I did as absolutely close to nothing as I possibly could. Not sure what got into me, but was just not in the mood to do anything – and thankfully didn’t have to. My Bride, feeling better by now, made us a small breakfast and we spent pretty much the rest of the day watching Goliath. We are now in to Season 3 (last one) and as the season progress’ – I am beginning to understand why the show didn’t make it past the third season. I’m kinda anxious for it to end, because my # 1 fan recommended a show I’m anxious to check out~! I think we only have about a half a dozen episodes left……
During one of our (entirely to frequent) smoke breaks, I saw a big fin pop up out of the water. I thought at first it was one of the many Damsel fish we see close to shore chasing minnows, but a little better look and spotting the big tail fin behind the dorsal fin, I realized it was a shark~! I’m 99% sure it was a nurse shark…. I’m guesstimating 4′-5′ log and it was ‘right up on shore’~! I’m talking ankle deep water. I don’t know what it was chasing [I suspect Urchins] but it required waves coming in to have enough water to turn around and get back out. I pointed to it for my bride and yelled SHARK for the benefit of our new neighbors next door who had just walked out. We all just stood there with our mouths open for the next 20-30 seconds or so as the shark chased it’s meal within mere inches of the edge of the beach. It is the first time in well over a year and a half we have been here that we saw anything like that~!! It is not uncommon to spot the occasional turtle swimming by and even a Sting Ray every now and again – but this is definitely a first~! Hopefully not the last as it was cool as hell~! It makes me want to get out there and snorkel or dive that water that much more now~! For now – I am going to see if I can get some pix loaded for you that you may not have seen yet. 2-Tank dive scheduled for tomorrow morning if we don’t get “stormed” out~!
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!

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