As I suspected and even though I did it fighting and arguing not to (wink, wink) we closed Blues down again last night. We did eat a little bit something before we got into the heavy drinking part of it. I had a wonderfully delicious Smoked Turkey, Bacon Grilled Cheese sammich. MmMmM Good~! My Queen ordered a Shepard’s Pie and didn’t care for it, so she took the other half of my sammich and gave me the pie. I get why she didn’t want it — kinda bland which is really out of character for anything from that establishment – but I put some salt on it and wolfed it on down. Another fun night up there, before we finally came back for some conditioned air and some sleep. Tried to sleep in this morning, but that Shepard’s Pie and a whole lot of alcohol decided it needed to come out, so I was up and going [so to speak] by 07:00. A very leisurely day today, as I caught up on FB stuff and dang little else. My Queen made us a breakfast – I have missed that all week because of working or diving and this morning I realized just how much I miss my daily dose of bacon~!
I had to run up to the drug store to pick up a new bottle of BP medicine (that is apparently) not working right yet either – so I’ll ping Doc as soon as she gets back from the states.
Big day for us tomorrow as we head out bright and early to the West end of the island to support one of my favorite dive shops (Adventures in Diving STX) and their “Dive & Dine” they host – a huge effort that culminates with 50 divers donating time, gear and air to clean up the pier where the cruise ships come in, bringing up all the trash on the bottom. There is also about 20+ volunteers as shore support to help the divers and haul away all the trash that is brought up. A lot of time and energy for a very worthy cause. There is also a nice big brunch held to feed everybody that participates. It is also open to the public (it is a fund raiser for local organizations) and has many really nice raffle prizes that can be won. I usually dive the event, but have been asked to stay top side and work the event this year – which I happily plan to do. Shouldn’t last more than about 4 hours or so – but I know from past events – it will be a fun and chaotic 4 hours or so. I’ll try and get some pictures for you~! Now… more pictures from yesterdays dives.
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!