Off to work again this morning after stopping by to pick up some corn hole boards for our dive club meeting. Finished the bathroom and the ‘boss’ is tickled to death with it. Wrapped up it a little bit early to be able to get back and get some paper work and stuff done for the meeting tonight, but still managed to get in 4 hours of solid work.
Loaded up entirely too much stuff in DD 2.0 and took off for the meeting. Nice turn out for the evening. We held a cornhole competition and there was a slide show going on inside for non-participants of a couple of members trip to the Mediterranean and Red Sea’s and their diving exploits there. I only got to catch parts of it as I was taking care of the bracket board for the teams – but all in all I think everyone had a good time.
I’m calling it quits here – it’s late and I need to get some sleep/rest for another day of work tomorrow…….. even if it’s short days and not terribly hard work….. I’m getting down right used to not working for a living – and I’m good with it~! I did also manage to book a 2-tank dive for Friday morning (what-? You thinking I’m working ALL week ?? And maybe another 2-tank on Saturday~! 😉
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!
Happy Birthday Mouse – I hope it was a really wonderful day for you~!!

Jackie talking about Adaptive Diving