Slept in a wee bit this morning as most of the soccer squad and bike racers were gone and we were just plain ole worn out. We did get our “15 minutes” of fame last night on Caribbean life – although in actuality, it was more like 3 seconds, but they told us during filming — it might be 5 minutes – it might not be at all. I’m just tickled we made it at all. It was really a lot of fun to watch them film that whole piece of it. A lot of details to talk about that segment of filming, but much too late and much too tired to go into it tonight. I believe I also have some behind the scenes pictures that I can now share since the episode has aired. We both had to sign agreements not to post any pictures we took until after airing. Besides – I’m gonna have to look up when that was to find those pictures….. but we are now officially TV stars….. LOL – we won’t be charging [much] for autographs~~ 😉
Had breakfast with my Honey Bear this morning and our newest Grand Daughter Kinsley. Wanted to try and spend an extra couple of minutes with her. After that, my bride knocked out a load of laundry while I went and got the car cleaned up. I know you don’t have to clean up a rental – but it’s a LOT cheaper to pay a small cleaning fee that it is to pay that $250+ fee they charge you if they think you smoked in it. Of course we didn’t smoke in it [wink-wink] – just wanted the car to be nice and clean~~
Almost everybody got together tonight including big Sister and Bro-in-Law Daniel (who made it back down to Indiana in record time) at Hacienda for a one last get together before we cut out very early in the morning…. OMG what a crowd….. God bless the little girl that was assigned our table….. she did her best but eventually had to bring in 2 or 3 more folks for back up. We make up quite the crowd when we all get together like that. Intimidating, even for a seasoned professional to deal with. For my part – Valium would have been a damn good idea…. for me and the server……. it is nice to have the kids and everybody there – but it sure is hard on this old mans nerves after a while. Still great to see everybody one last time before we head back out to our little island. Great times and fun here, but we are ready to get back to our little piece of paradise….. Not sure if I’ll get anything put up tomorrow night as we travel all day. We are supposed to be back on the island by 3:30 our time…. which naturally means stopping at Blues on the way home — and you know how that usually ends…. We will have to get up about 03:15 in the morning to start our day tomorrow. You remember what the 0 in 03:15 stands for don’t you ???  0H my God it’s early……… but – we’ll see how the day goes.
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!

Parris wave