Well it should be obvious I didn’t write last night — after a longer than usual and hotter than usual day up on the roof yesterday, I stopped by Blues to drop off some paperwork for Jim & Deb and slam a nice cold Budweiser. Eddy – seeing me pull in automatically had a Budweiser and a Crown and Coke sitting on the bar when I walked up. Seeing I was by myself he offered to pitch the drink, but not wanting to waste alcohol – I told him I would drink it. I handed over the paperwork, finished by beer and started in on the Crown & Coke. Geeez it tasted nasty. Never thought I’d ever hear myself say that about that drink — but tastes change as you make a few more laps around the sun. Still not wanting to waste the drink – I took it with me and brought it home to my Bride. She happily took it and made me a drink. She also offered up a couple of muscle relaxers in an effort to calm my now screaming back. So I caught a quick shower, and we sat and drank and chatted while I cooled down. I didn’t think the muscle relaxers were doing a very good job – so I popped 3 Anacin after about an hour…. probably not the best decision I have made in a while……. pretty soon, the day out in the sun, the work, the muscle relaxers, the Anacin and the hooch all kicked in~! Wow….. It was all I could do to sit on the couch and keep my eyes opened. Around 3:00 I told Angie I was gonna lay down for a little bit……. I went in and laid down on the bed and went out like a light until shortly before 6:00. I staggered out, made me a bite to eat and was back in bed by a little after 8:00.
Sadly…. I had one of the awfullest nights sleep I’ve had in quite a while. I don’t know what the deal was, booze, heat, working like I was 18 or what…. but wow was that a terrible night. I finally got up around 05:30 this morning – happy not to be trying to sleep. Other than a quick trip up to Blues this morning – I have done nothing but sit on the couch with a heating pad and watching our newest series (The Practice – Vera – I think you would enjoy this one) My back feels a bunch better, so there’s that….. I have scheduled a 2 tank dive for tomorrow, so I should get a bunch of new pictures for you tomorrow……. and I’m laying off work for a little bit to let this 62 year old teenager heal up a little bit.
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – — – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!