Up slightly ahead of my alarm this morning and settled into a quick version of my morning routine after a semi-fitful night’s sleep again……. altho ermazingly….. I woke up feeling better than I have in a while….. no alcohol and 3 Excedrin Migraines may have helped that situation though~~ 🙂
I made me my typical small breakfast and packed a cooler of water and Spark along with a couple of candy bars – and shortly before I lit out my Queen come rolling out…… I took off for my work assignment – perched halfway up a mountain top, on top of a friends house. For the next 4+ hours, we worked in blazing sunshine with about a 20mph breeze. We stopped after each segment for water and a smoke or two, to cool off and rehydrate [I really hate that word]…. before climbing back up for another hour of capping ridge rows with a 10″ strip of aluminum. No pictures, as we both were in precarious positions throughout the task. I do need to bring my camera up and snap a couple of shots sometime before we finish the job, just so you can truly appreciate the positions we have to get in to get that job down. Just about the time we went into the fourth hour – I found myself starting to get light headed a couple of times – to the point where I had to stop for a minute to get my balance back…… DAMMIT EMMIT why is this happening??? Only thing I can think of is between the heat, new BP meds and my advancing age…… I don’t deal with the heat near as good as I used to…… DAMMIT EMMIT~! I did however, make myself stop and get my “stuff” back together, before putting myself in harms way. I think the ‘young’ guy I was working with took a little bit of pleasure in knowing he was out working the old guy – but I don’t care — well, actually I do, it burns my a$$….. but at this point, not a hellva lot I can do about it without getting myself hurt…… and I just flat ain’t gonna do that….. besides, he counts on me for a ride to and from the job site (or walk a couple of miles) so he doesn’t give me a lot of static about it. 😉
Done for the day……. cooled, showered and about to have some spaghetti before hopefully a better nights sleep and doing the same all over again tomorrow. Pictures from there tomorrow – maybe. For tonight….. more dive pictures +.
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!
Banded Coral Shrimp~