After staying up waaaaay past our bedtime last night to watch an extra episode of The Closer…. I rolled out this morning about an hour earlier than I wanted to – but it was that or wet the bed…. An option I did not want to explore….. up and motoring about, I got a lot of small odds and ends knocked out until my Queen come stumbling out about 2.5 hours behind me. After ample time to wake up – I invited her to join me on my ‘day of getting stuff done’ and after little consideration she said she wanted to join me. The day started off visiting multiple places trying to unload the transmission sliding around in the bed of DD. No luck, in desperation – pulled into the small dump site closest to us….. the ‘local’ gentleman that kind of “wrangles” the folks in and out of the area told me my load absolutely could not be left there. He then mentioned if a small ‘donation’ was made, he might be able to convince his boss to help us out…… A flash of an Andrew Jackson and a couple of minutes later, we were hustling out of the dump sans transmission….. YAY~!!!!
Next we headed to Office Depot to pick up a new router as previous conversation with condo management made it clear – that was our responsibility. 15 minutes and $ 180 later, we strolled out with a new router…… Yay~! [kinda]
Left there and headed for the West end of the island to K-mart to pick up several items my Queen wanted…… then motoring down the road to the local supermarket for previous mention needed items (bacon, booze, eggs, etc.) An hour and $ 230 later – we were headed back toward the condo with the day going our way~! Yay~!! [kinda]
Back at the condo and 4 trips in and out hauling our stash in – and I had soon settled in to hook up our new router so I could give our poor little hotspot a rest……. almost 3 hours later which most of was spent with the Geek Squad…. and still no internet…. not Yay 🙁
We had to cut out by 5:00 to meet the other 2 couples we are going on vacation with up at Blues. We had several drinks (big shock huh?) called the company we are sailing with a dozen or 30 questions, before rapping up our little gab session for drinking and socializing with the Blues crew.
I should mention, during the course of this fairly long day – in my infinite wisdom – I managed to consume one entire Banana…… and with what was now a LOT of alcohol in me….. I didn’t do so good. I guess blood sugar or something got really low…. but it was all I could do to stand up….. DAMMIT EMMIT~! Cutting to the chase….. I got my happy a$$ back here and got some chow in me and am now ‘right as rain’. Valuable lesson learned…… EAT~!
I’m going to try and get the couple of pictures I took today up – but not holding my breath – I suggest you don’t either…. 😉
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!