Nope – not trying to sound like a Pirate….. just that aggravated….. we are getting closer to our goal of getting back to where we want to be – but OMG what it is taking to get there…… money, is what it is taking, LOTS of it…….. jeeeezus~!!! Took the rental car up to have it cleaned up before taking it back to the airport (we smoked in it while driving it and that $ 30.00 cleaning fee is a lot less than the $250.00 fee they charge if they find out you smoked in it). Dropped the car off and went to pay the balance on it…… and after a very long, maddening, aggravating, pull what hair you have left out, effort involving 4 phone calls and an hour and a half – I find out our rental is going to cost me $ 700.00 more than expected (for a total of $2300.00 for 5 weeks)~! Then, get an email from my accountant explaining the most recent letter from Uncle Sam on our now thoroughly FUBAR’ed 2017 taxes that ‘nicely’ explains, we owe another $ 1100.00 in taxes from 2017 (for those of you keeping track – that is now $ 7000.00 over and above what we have already paid~!…… run a stick up my butt and call me a corn dog…… when is this crap gonna stop ???? PLUS – I am still trying to get rid of the 500 lbs of transmission sliding around the bed of my truck…. and I owe another $ 430.00 for the transmission install plus getting rid of the old damn transmission~! My nerves [and wallet] are not gonna take much more of this crap……. Island life my a$$~!!!!
Sorry you all – but I’ve had about all I can take for one day…… tomorrow will [hopefully] be a better day….. rest of the dive pictures~~~~
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!
Well Goddammit Emmit~!!! It’s been over an hour now and I got 1 friggin picture to load…. one…..ONE….. I went and shaved… took my shower (with water pressure than wouldn’t drown an ant)…and still only ONE picture loaded….. I’m beginning to think maybe the island doesn’t want me here….. 🙁 maybe tomorrow ??