Slightly better nights sleep/rest after going to bed around midnight (we’re becoming such party animals) 😉 Truth be told, we are seriously into Bosch – the new series we are watching and just couldn’t turn it off. One of the perks of retirement….. ya want to stay up late watching something you like ??? No worries – you can sleep in the next day if you want [can]. We slept in a little bit, but not much past 07:00…… one of the down sides of ‘age’ that comes with that perk of being retired……..
After my morning stuff and a nice small breakfast….. my Queen headed off for a doctors appointment, a follow up to check on her BP and that damn cough that is coming back. While she was out, I worked on the paper trail [for taxes stuff] for the Fish With A Vet organization….. mostly dull routine mind numbing stuff – but it will make doing taxes next year soooo much easier. My bride finally made it back (she is doing good) and we had just settled in for more Bosch when our new furniture arrived~! A flurry of activity with stuff being moved in and out and in nothing flat, we have us some fine new sitting areas that look so much nicer and feels fabulous to sit on~!
It has now been a couple of hours since I started this….. I have since had a plate of spaghetti (that I have been waiting 2 weeks for) big enough to choke a buffalo. Lord have mercy was it delicious~!! Have had several on line conversations with several close friends and in between trying to watch more Bosch. I think we will finally wind up going grocery shopping tomorrow, more out of necessity now than anything…… so with that being said… I’m outta here for tonight. Bunch of random pictures from today…. we’ll see what I can scrounge for you tomorrow.
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!

The list keeps growing~!!