Following that first day out of the hospital and dinner with friends – A sponge bath and a semi fitful nights sleep – we were up the next day, ready to tackle the next list of appointments. We first stopped off at one of my Sisters house – only to leave without seeing her. She apparently was in a sleep coma and didn’t hear us knocking – even though that little rat dog of hers was barking it’s brains out. We took off for our next destination. Back in our old stomping grounds, Hysteric New Harmony. Town has not changed a bit other than a new Dollar General store since I left almost 2 years ago. Other than look around a little bit – the purpose of the visit was to stop and see my # 1 Blog fan….. Mrs. Vera Johnson. We have been neighbors [of sorts] for years and her husband Choppy had been a co-worker at GE and a friend many, many years. Vera writes to me a lot via my blog (and some FB) and keeps me up on the goings on around town. A delightful woman with a smile that lights up any room and you just have to love her. We chatted almost an hour before we had to excuse ourselves and head off for the next ‘appointment’. I could not make it back after being gone that long without stopping by to give my # 1 fan a hug and to chat a bit.
Left Vera’s and went back to my Sisters house and finally roused her from her slumber. We spent a little over an hour with her, talking about island life and everything going on her life before we had to pack up and move along. Our next appointment got bumped out a little bit, so we swung out past Jeni’s house and scored a little bit of time with new baby Kinsley and Jeni. Time came to again pack up and head off for our next ‘appointment’. This one was with another Sister and her husband. we met them at a little place on a barge on the Mighty Ohio river. We had drinks and some eats and sat and chatted for almost 2 hours before I wore completely out and had to head to head back to the hotel. This whole heart attack thing is taking it’s toll on me some. The bruising is what’s doing it. It has now crept into crotch (and all the things there) and is now about a fourth of the way down my leg. I did some home work on it an found out it really is not that uncommon – but now reaching into new ‘areas’…. sure does make it painful if I move my leg a little bit wrong~! Rest easy though – I’m not putting up any more pictures of it unless it just gets plumb out of control. It’s kinda weird to see that and know that – that is you in the mirror when you’re looking at it.
Well damn Sam.…. already at my limit again — I have got my pictures out of whack with my writing….. most of what I talked about tonight – you saw the pictures of yesterday….. and it’ll have to stay that way again – cause tonight’s pictures are what I took today even though I talked about yesterday tonight~! Clear as mud huh?
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!

Thank you for the flowers, kind words, and especially takin time from very busy schedule to stop by, great visit, but hmmm, think you OMITTED the part about heart attach, Judy said that today when she took me to Dr, and so did you tonight on this blog, you told me,high blood pressure,well, was as worried before, but hearing heart attach, and pictures make it more real, However ; hearing cleared for diving makes me happy,,, Dr did EKG on me today as chest so tight and hurting, just to make sure,,but what I thought all along,,upper respiratory infection,,, so, sterile shot, , inhaler and stronger antibiotics ,,, ,,,,hope you guys don’t catch, do not think contagious, as no fever My oldest,,,Bryson, texted his mother unbeknown to me and she came after the boys a little after you left, I was so upset, had no idea he had done that, finally got from him, he thought Jace, young one was misbehaving while you were here, said he wouldn’t quit talking when he told him too, said Jace talked all the time and almost sat on Bill,,,,I told him Jace was interested in your stories, and excited, but Bryson thought he was acting up,,,I told him he better never do that again, text or call anyone without talking to me first,,several things going on, but main Two,,,he will soon be teenager, and hormones acting up,,and for me,,he has stayed with me three summers while Jace at day care, this year, Jace here too as going into first grade, so no day care, and think he is invading Brysons space,,,he and I have done so many things for three years, and now,,he has another person here, they won’t stay much as they are going to Camps, vacations, Judy’s etc, so think he wants my attention,,,,,gotta go use inhaler and try to sleep,,love the new kind of fish in these pictures,,.,all for now,,,fun rest of trip, and safe travels,,,hope double D doesn’t cost you too much, and can get running soon,,,💤❤️💤 notice typing like kids, ,,,,not puncation as should be,,,,,too tired and nit feeling the best,,,,,so excuse,
Have to add another comment, did not proofread very well,,,,maybe needed sterile shot , but sure hope not, and he really did give me a shot, but it was a steroid,,,,lol,,,not sure what that stands for, bit looks like might apply, lol
Hi Vera — I talked about my heart attack – I just put up the “edited” version…… really wasn’t that big of a deal to me….. guess I should know better. I am back on meds and fit as a fiddle now – so please do not worry about me. You get YOU healed up~! If Doc gave you a steroid – be thankful – they don’t dole that out very often and will usually knock the socks off of whatever is getting you down.
No worries about the boys, I thought they were both very well behaved while we were there. I hope you get feeling better soon so you can get out and enjoy this nice cool weather. It won’t be long before it is that nasty sticky stuff.
Take care of yourself~!