I got back to the hotel last night around 9:30 with the BEST intentions of getting a blog written for you all……. I sat down at the table and started my ‘nightly’ routine, and WOW – it was like I had been hit in the a$$ by some serious dart – it was like a light switch~! Granted, I had had 2 or twelve drinks during the course of the day- but still thought I was with in full access of my mental capabilities. The more I tried to concentrate, the worse off I got, and after about 10 minutes, I told my Queen who had [weirdly] taken up sitting right across from me – that I couldn’t hack it and was going to go lay down…… wow-! Haven’t had anything hit me like that in quite a while. I remember laying down on the bed – but cannot tell you what was playing on the TV. I haven’t dropped off like that in ages……
Just back from a very fun filled afternoon with our oldest (my Mouse) we sat and munched on sammiches from a local deli….. drinks out in the yard, listening to distant thunder and a breeze, unmatched on our beautiful island that we live on. The afternoon faded to early evening and Mouse decided the kids needed something to eat (other than the remaining sammiches on the table). Knowing my particular affliction for pizza – she mention a local place we should check out, so we loaded everybody up and away we went. Ziggy’s, not to be confused with the fun little place out toward the West end of our gorgeous island. LOTS of Colts memorabilia…. and while I have been a Colts fans since most of you were born…. I was torn, as I haven’t watched a game of my beloved Colts since them butt heads started kneeling during the national anthem. None-the-less…. we had some damn fine catfish nuggets – as bad as I hate to admit it – they were every bit as good as my fish…… and some pizza, a drink or two and just an all around good time. Kudo’s to the Ziggy staff for putting up with our group~! Bellies full and ready to roll, we bid adieu to Mouse and company and now safely back in our hotel room that was very $hit-ly cleaned while we were out. My bride wants me to complain to the front desk — I say hit them where it hurts with a scathing Trip Advisor review….. what say you????
Any who — I have managed to keep my eyes open long enough to get this written… tomorrow is Fathers Day – and not sure what it will bring….. I spent an hour or so chatting with folks and I am tickled to say – every single day next week is booked to spend at least some time with family or friends. One of them being friends I made while I worked for living. We popped in and caught them by surprise yesterday and now have an evening out planned at the Cork & Cleaver. We are besides ourselves giddy – waiting for it~!
Good Night Ya’ll > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thankx for stopping in~!