Went to bed a little bit late last night, after watching Annie Walker and the cast of Covert Affairs screwing their way through most of the ‘bad’ guys on the planet. As typical as the show is becoming, it is picking up some interest these past couple of episodes…. actually interesting and making me want to see the next episode….. but we finally crawled into bed around 23:00 and slept reasonably sound until about 06:40 when I woke up and laid there and tried to talk myself out of how bad I didn’t have to pee…….. DAMMIT EMMIT~! I finally conceded and staggered out to go do my duty……Since I was up – I went ahead and washed my face, combed my hair (yes I still do that, what is left of it) and brushed my teeth before staggering out onto our patio to that gorgeous view~! I stood out there and enjoyed the first cigarette of the day while being bathed in already 80-° sunlight and that wonderful tropical breeze that is almost always out there~!! It is now officially Summer here (or close enough) – it doesn’t take long after ‘Ole Sol’ raises it’s bright shiny head over the horizon, to become just down right toasty in the mornin’……….. An hour or so later, Angie came staggering out and we commenced into our day. A day by most standards was supposed to be a boring, do nothing kinda day and we were off to a hellva start. Around 11:00, Angie made us a wonderfully delicious brunch of Bacon, eggs, hash browns and some Kielbasa sausage (I have a hellva time finding regular breakfast sausage here on the island)….. We watched multiple episodes of Cover Affairs (as it turns out, we were only on Season 4, instead of Season 5 like I thought earlier, and as I mentioned, these past several episodes have been really good) I could tell from the way my bride was fidgeting, she was anxious to get back to her games…. so I got the game started and excused myself to address an issue that had been gnawing at me on the computer.
A day or so previous, I got a notice from the IRS saying there was something ‘missing’ on my 2017 tax return and I owed them an additional $20,000.00 dollars. DAMMIT EMMIT~! I had forwarded that mail to my tax account and was comfortable in the knowledge she would “take care of it”. I got a mail from her today explaining the issue and I that I “only” owed another $4,500.00~~~ Uh….. wait a minute….. that can’t be right. A half a dozen emails with my account, and another half a dozen phone calls all over the United States and now the whole amount is in question…. That all took place over several hours. Now, the original plan for the afternoon, was for me to run to the local butcher and pick up more filets for my Queen….. Wow – talk about that being blown out of the water…….. Now – almost 6 hours later….. dinner done, my bride playing her games and me sitting here still scratching my head trying to figure what in the hell is going on…… I relay it to you. Not exactly paradise today, but I have faith in my accountant that she will take care of it…… I hope 😉 No new pictures, so some from a year ago……. I have a two-tank dive scheduled in the morning….. so more fun pix coming up~!
Good Night Ya’ll ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Thankx for stopping in~!