Up again after a marginally better nights sleep and ready for more diving. This time driving to the West end of the island… so had to leave a little earlier. That drive either takes 25 minutes or 45 minutes…. depending on traffic. I got there a touch early, paid for my dives and was soon on the boat. Our first dive site turned out to be my favorite dive site on the island [so far] It is called Armageddon…. I know have told you about it – but as a reminder, it is the remnants of the last big pier that was destroyed in the mid 80’s by hurricane Hugo…… awfulliest mess of beams, girders, tires, cables, etc. you can imagine, but OMG what a great dive site. It sits in about 80′ of water going down to just past 100′ deep. There are lots of great swim throughs, and it holds SO MUCH sea life….. incredible~!!! To date – absolutely my favorite dive site on the island~! I fired off almost 75 pictures on that dive, even though Vis left some to be desired. We came up for our surface interval and decided we would do the pier for our next dive….. but instead of the long ugly kick out usually done on a pier dive, we unloaded at the far end of the pier [from the boat] – so we got to swim the full length of the pier without the nasty kick-out~! Yay~!! I took a total of 116 underwater pictures, but by the time I was done editing – I wound up with 55…… still enough for a couple of days worth of pictures.
I came home, showered and loaded pictures, before taking off again back to the West end. I was finally going to get to try out the infamous Lost Dog Saloon pizza. As I stated last night – the area is a little bit shady, and my Bride did not want to go there. Friends Shawn and Cynthia agreed to join me there – and we were soon sitting ad chatting. After viewing the fine establishment, I feel pretty durn confident in saying – that, yeppers – my Queen would NOT like it there…… none-the-less…. I ordered my usual ALL MEAT pizza with a handful of mushrooms, and in a mere three beers later – it showed up. It certainly looked tasty~! However…… while it was not a bad pizza – it just barely made my top 5 ( and that’s only because there are only about 8 pizza places on the island). I would eat it again, but would not make a special trip back to that end of the island just for the pizza. I’m happy AND sad it wasn’t really that good….. if it was – then I’d have to drive to that end of the island a LOT more often…… and sad because, well……. it just wasn’t that good of a pizza…… sad day~~~ but the company was outstanding….. so all’s well that ends well~!
Doing another two-tank dive in the morning – looking forward to it, as it will probably be a while before I do any more diving – because my Queen is coming home tomorrow (YAY~!!!!) and I want to spend my time with her. I’m sure she has lot’s of tales to tell. (half of todays pictures now – rest later)
Good Night Ya’ll . . . . . . . . . . . . Thankx for stopping in~!