No diving today because I promised friends to help move one of their friends….. me and my big mouth~! I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before – but it bears repeating…. one of the down sides of owning a truck (especially on this island) is that everybody wants to be your friend….. you see, most people drive a Jeep or Jeep-like little outfit on this island – so when something needs moved – they seek out truck owners…….. Something that I have known for EONS, but managed to forget when I signed up for this assignment – was to ask “what floor”. That one came back to bite me in the touchas….. but in all fairness, for these friends it really wouldn’t have mattered….. This particular ‘move’ was located about 150′ down a walkway on the 3rd floor….. OMG~! I have got my cardio in for the month…. possibly the year~! Approximately 35 trips up [and down] 34 steps (lugging heavy crap) plus that 150′ hike down the walkway…… bad part is – we didn’t get to actually move her into anywhere…. all the stuff went into storage – so once she gets a place….. she is gonna need help again~! Sure hope it is a ground floor place. The friend that asked me to help, called it quits after about 3 hours and I am not ashamed to admit – I quit right along side of her. Fortunately, the ‘movee‘ had recruited more trucks and help and the 2nd shift was due to arrive shortly. I came back to the condo, peeled off my soaking wet shirt and headed straight for the shower. Finally clean, cooled off and relax – I nuked and inhaled a hot dog and sat down to relax for a bit.
There was a meeting of the Adaptive Dive committee tonight – and since I am officially a member (haven’t made a meeting yet) I figured I would go check it out. Being held at the same place I dove out of yesterday (and am again in the morning) – it was close, so away I went. It is a small group affiliated with our dive club – looking to see if we can establish a group on the island that would be trained and able to help folks with disabilities, be able to make a dive. From what I heard tonight, the group is moving forward nicely. I spoke with the spokesperson of the group after the meeting and confessed – I have no desire to become an Instructor or Divemaster for them – but I would like make myself available as a certified assistant in the water for them. More on that as it develops.
Finally left the meeting, stopped by the grocery store to re-stock a few things I will need for when my Bride finally comes home to me on Friday and now at 21:30 (9:30pm) – am I just getting this wrapped up. A couple of pictures from the place where I was helping move today – and the rest of my dive pictures from yesterday (again – shark video will have to go up on FB) —– Another 2-tank dive in the morning, so more underwater pictures for you~!!
Happy Birthday to “my” Lead Guitar player – Eugene Eaton~!
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!
Giant Agave plant – this was taller than me~!
A couple of very tall fan palm trees
The ‘view’ from the place where the moving was going on…….

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Little ole me~~