Rolled out to a pitch black sky this morning at 05:15 this morning in order to get our morning ‘stuff’ out of the way, to be able to leave and get to the West end of the island by 07:30. Angie was one of the primary shore support folks for the Dive & Dine I told you about yesterday. While she was doing her thing I got my tank of air and moseyed back over to my truck and starting putting my gear together for my dive. Everything put together and tested….. I waited and waited…. and waited. One of the organizers finally showed up and said that he would like for me to “keep an eye” on my ‘buddy’. She was apparently a really new diver. We all finally wound up down at the pier and soon bailed in. I was going to make this really neat video by holding my camera up near my eyes and making that big jump off of the pier, so you had my point of view for the jump. That was the plan… when I went to turn my camera on, it just sat there and stared at me…. no blinking red lights and no beeps. I [uncharacteristically] did not check it before we left the house this morning and apparently the battery was deader than a door nail….. Dammit Emmit~! So no cool video of me doing a giant stride into the water and worse yet, no pictures from under the dock. Naturally today the visibility was better than I have seen it in a long time and fish were everywhere~! Lesson learned ( I hope) – it shouldn’t happen again~! We spent our tank of air patrolling our assigned section of the pier and both came back with almost full bags of cans, bottles and miles of fishing line. We (all divers) filled up almost two carts with trash we picked up off of the sea floor around the pier. Gear all taken apart and put away, returned air tank and headed to Polly’s for a nice breakfast buffet with most of the divers. There were several raffle prizes and my Queen and I each won one. I got a really nice T-Shirt from a local company and Angie won a new gear bag and a floating pillow~! Yay us.
We finally said our goodbyes and headed back to mid-island. I stopped and rinsed all my gear off (with fresh water) while Angie hauled our winnings into the condo. I got my shower almost as soon as I came in – to get the salt off of me and was soon settled in on the couch for some more NUMB3RS, where we spent the rest of the afternoon. I have to have DD up to the garage first thing in the morning for a little bit of much needed maintenance. It’s amazing how hard this beautiful climate is on vehicles~! So I’m gonna drop it off early and hike my happy touchas back here until it’s done. I did manage a couple of pictures today – and I’ll leave you with them.
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!
This ONE of carts we filled from the dive today~!
Hey Oma and Papaw! Can’t wait to see you both! Life on the island looks very fun!!
– Sugar Pop and Squirt
Hi My Sugar Pop & Squirt~
It is very nice to hear from you on here. I hope you are reading some of my blogs. We are continuing to love our life on this island even though we don’t get to spend as much time with you two as we would like, but we love you, miss you and think about you two every single day. We can’t wait to get back to Indiana and see you as well. We’ll be there before you know it.
Oma & Pa-paw