After a fitful nights sleep ( I think maybe I was ‘too’ tired) I rolled out around 06:30 to clouds and finally a little bit of a breeze — fitful night sleep may have also been in part because of a very stuffy room….. who knows~~ I made it up to Blues promptly at 09:00 and loaded up and hauled off 17 bags of garbage generated from the day before…… little bitty ole truck was plumb full~! Came back to the condo and had a [little bit too big] of a breakfast that Angie had made. Sure tasted good though. Before breakfast could get good and settled – we headed back up to Blues – stopping for another load of ice before we got there. We were there plenty early, so we took our time and set the bar up for what hopefully was going to be another action packed night. The band Hudson and the Hoo Doo Cats showed up, got set up and were playing by 15:00 ( 3:00 – 6:00) Blues shuts down early on Saturday’s because they don’t want to have to put up with a bunch of rowdy drunks 😉 The band sounded decent and there were a fair amount of folks showed up to hear them – but nothing like Blues was expecting – which translated into a really quiet afternoon for me and Angie…… By most standards the afternoon was a success, just not what they had planned for though~ Hey – you win some, you lose some — and move on~!
We got the place cleaned up and closed down, had a couple of drinks with Jim, Deb and the staff and headed out. We thought we were hungry and Mickey D’s sounded good, so we swung out past our local golden arches and a mere 32 minutes later was pulling out of the drive through. (actually a little bit quicker than most trips) Back at our stuffy condo – and still no usable breeze – some fries and fish sandwich consumed and here we be. I am looking forward to our ‘day off’ tomorrow. Sleeping without worrying about not getting up in time for something – and not have to worry about being somewhere at any given time…. one of the things I really like about being retired…… it’s just that here lately, I haven’t got to do a lot of that…… it’s all good….. I’m bringing most of it on myself – so can’t/won’t/not complaining…… 😉
Tired, a bit of headache and ready for a shower…. I’m gonna leave it with you….. couple of pix from today and some random shots…….
Good night Ya’ll – – – – – – Thankx for stopping on~~~!