Rolled out this morning to the pinging of my phone…. I forgot to mute the ringer and the dive club I belong to (who was up this morning entirely too friggin’ early) was having an Instant Message meeting and my phone sounded like the bell at a prize fight…… I swear, I don’t remember what people did before that infernal phone….. guess they had to wait to actually talk to each other……. It looks like our dive club is making huge leaps and bounds to move the club forward – but I am officially sick to death of all the instant messages…… oh well, guess I’m stuck with it for the rest of the year…… that or try and get on board with instant messaging….. LOL, that was funny – even for me~~ 😉
Took my Bride for her CT Scan early this afternoon…… and in typical island fashion, it will be another week, before she gets to talk to Doc about the results….. kinda like the military…. hurry up and wait~! So for those of you that are curious, please be patient as it will be another week before we get to talk to Doc about the scan. Some good news, today was one of the better days my Bride has had in the past several weeks, so maybe she has turned that corner. I don’t want to say anything too loud in hopes I do not jinx it…… but it sure was nice to see her with most of her color back and not sounding like she is trying to cough up a lung~! She was even up for stopping by the grocery store on the way back to pick up a couple of things. We came home and relaxed with some more 24, before she made us a tasty slice of ham, some carrots and smashed taters……. Back now to enjoying the waves crashing in on the beach and a nice ‘cool’ sea breeze blowing in on us (73°)
Plans for working out West got side tracked by illness and now cancelled all together…… I was trying to feel bad about it, but the person wanting the work done insists it’s a “good thing” the work didn’t happen and she will have some more work for me in about a month – so we have shifted focus and are heading back up to Blues in the morning to resume painting on the fence. I’m gonna do some lighting work Miss Deb wants done….. then back to the fence line painting.
We have a CRABBS club meeting tomorrow night, which from recent intel says is gonna be a whopper – supposedly SRO for the event. It’s nice to see the club changing direction like that. I just hope this old timer can keep up with the ‘kids’ running it now~~ 😉 No new pictures… so for now….. some you may have not seen yet…..
Good Night Ya’ll > > > > > Thankx for stopping in~!