Third heavy duty day into feeling like open a$$…… lots of sitting on the couch watching 24 and still feeling bad. I see minor improvements in both of our conditions. My bride is now coughing to the point of almost up-chucking [technical term] but it is a good thing cause she is getting that crap up and out of her body. My cough is much, much less severe than hers — and I think it’s because of the bombardment of OTC meds I pour into me on a regular basis….. laying down at night presents it’s own set of unique challenges – but I am dealing with that. Was hoping to hear from the Doc today about her chest x-rays – but by late in the afternoon with no call from Doc – a well placed phone call indicates the x-rays haven’t made it over to them yet — [well, after all, it is almost 20 minutes away] — Island time~! So hopefully tomorrow we hear something. The day was spent, watching 24, a lot of coughing, the occasional smoke break and feeling [not as] bad……….. I’m not gonna try and drag this out to another 500 words like I managed to do last night….. just suffice to say – not been a fun day here at the Hein condo……
I have a meeting at the bank in the morning with the Fish With a Vet organization. I am going to finally get my name put on the signature block at the bank for the organization….. after all – we are already in to February and I am the Treasurer. We have a organization meeting directly after that, and early intel says it’s gonna be a doozy~~ Regardless how I feel in the a.m. – I plan on being there for both. Probably won’t be any new pix – but I’ll try and report back later that evening. We are supposed to do a tour of a Live-Aboard boat that offers some pretty special dive packages tomorrow evening – but we are both waiting to see how we feel. I am curious how that works, as the dive club I belong to is talking about scheduling a Live-Aboard dive trip in the not so distant future….. We will both have to be feeling a lot better though, as that is a 30 minute drive to the West end of the island [after dark] to make that tour….. I’m gonna quit here….. tired and my teeth are killing me (from sinus pressure)….. I’m sure I’ll be healed up and get back to some form of normality soon…… until then…..
Good Night Ya’ll ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Thankx for stopping in~!