Sorry you all… but I am just too pooped to pop (as my Dad always said) – we just got back from Blues acting as Bar Backs for them… yea, yea, yea…. I know I called it beer back last night….. but we showed up at 3:00 as requested and it was admittedly really slow until about 4:45…. from then on out, it was flat out for us until shortly after 8:00….. but we kept the fridges full of ice cold beer, the hooch shelf stocked with hooch and whatever else the 2 bartenders (Eddy & Tim) needed. We kept trash cans emptied, tables cleaned off and anything else needed done. Finally ran everybody off by 8:30, as we emptied trash and butt cans and restocked fridges that need it. With everybody gone but staff [and us] – we had a couple of drinks and discussed the where-with-alls of the evening…. what a night. I did managed to pop off a couple of pictures before it got just crazy busy….. and that’s all I’m gonna share with you tonight. Pretty sure there will be a lot of stuff on FB about it if you care to venture there…. but right now, I want a nice cool shower, some Ibuprofen and a little bit of sleep~~ So I bid you a good evening~~~~
Good night Ya’ll * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!