Another nice easy start to the day….. sept in a little bit (06:15) yes, dammit, that is sleeping in for me~! Rolled out of bed to a large bank of big ole gray clouds that would just not go away, so we were treated with the occasional rain showers all day long. It is actually a good thing as water levels on the island were getting low…. Had a bite to eat and then told my Queen I wanted to run into town to drop off the laundry and catch me a haircut and a shave. I had my first straight razor shave about 4 months ago for my 61st. birthday. A unique experience for me….. to have a total stranger hold a [very sharp] straight razor to your throat….. but I kinda liked it (go figure) but was in the mood for it, so we dropped off a load of laundry and went into town. The place I was going to try out was closed, so I headed on up to the place I have been going. A run down looking place that is usually filled with ‘locals’ sitting around shooting the breeze. The young guy that did my first straight razor shave was not there [again] – so I crawled up into George’s chair. George is an elderly gentleman, that I am guesstimating is in his late 70’s maybe early 80’s. His hands shake ever so lightly, but I still felt comfortable in letting him cut my hair and give him a shot at a shave. I told George, I wanted ‘some skin’ around my ears……. George took me at my word on that~~~~~ 😉 Thankfully, the hair around my ears and my side burns still grow really quick, so I should recover from that fairly quick…. My shave was an experience….. let’s just say I left the shop with a couple of small trickles of blood from various parts of my head…… but nothing that I should suffer loss of consciousness from~~ 😉 I gathered up my bride and we headed back to the condo for some conditioned air and rest.
We wound up watching a pretty decent movie, with Denzel Washington… called Out of Time…… I recommend it if you get the chance~! We also watched a couple of episodes of Kevin can Wait and Judge Judy and by then it was time to go get the laundry. We went and got the laundry and decided to stop by Blues for a drink and a bite to eat……. “JJ” was playing tonight….. the guy that does and AWESOME Johnny Cash…… infrequent downpours interrupted his performance a bit – but he was still on point and sounded good as always……
Was chatting with some guys at Blues and came across a possible new money making venture for me……. There is apparently only 1 guy on the entire island that cleans the hulls of boats (without having to take them out of the water) and he apparently charges a fortune to do it…… HMMMmmmm…. sounds like something right up my alley. Talking with Jim, he is willing to let me experiment on his boat…… lots to learn about it, but I’m a bit excited…… get to use my SCUBA gear AND get paid _ ? Oh HELL yeah~!! More on that as it develops……… Have some running to do tomorrow to get ready for a really big weekend at Blues….. will try and get some pictures for you as it takes off…… In the mean time… stay tuned………
Good Night Ya’ll…….. Thankx for stopping in~!