Started the day out by meeting a couple of buddy’s out at Cane Bay this morning for a refreshing and enjoyable way to start the day. We met at 09:00 and by 09:20 was wading into the water for a small surface swim out to the dive spot. We went out to the edge of the wall and started our descent. There was some confusion on my weights and I wound up having to improvise to get weighted enough to sink. I managed to get down and started working toward the wall. Beautiful fan and Elkhorn corals everywhere. Visibility left a lot to be desired…. down to 30′ in a lot of places, which was a little depressing considering less than a week ago I was in 100′ visibility water….. sure would like to have had that on this dive. Finally made it up to the edge of the wall. Kind of an intimidating sight as the edge comes into view. We were at 85′ and over the wall drops off to about 1300′. Would really like to see it in good visibility water. I took some video to show you, but it’s to big to put on here, so you’ll have to go to FB if you want to see it. I did manage some nice pictures to share with you though. Because of the weight issue, I was forced to surface a little sooner than I would have liked, but it was still a nice dive and a good time. I headed on back to the shore and took my gear off while I waited for the other two. We chatted a little bit as the gear got put away and I was soon on my way back to the condo.
Once here, I had a beer and showed my bride my pictures and told her about the dive. We are expecting a couple of deliveries, so we was going to just hang out for the rest of the day waiting on the deliveries. I then got a notice from a person on FB for an item I was looking for here on the island to fulfill a promise to my damn neighbors (who are going to be here Thursday~!!!!!!!!!!) I decided to take off and hunt for that item while Angie stayed and waited for deliveries. I took off, and after 4 stores and 2 hours of pure aggravation later- I have what I need to fulfill that promise. (can’t tell you what it is right now – but I’m sure you’ll hear about it.) 😉
Finally back to conditioned air and a couple of drinks and I’m good as new. Well, not good as new….. why do people say that..?… if you’re new, wouldn’t that make you a newborn??? So – not good as new, but calmed down. My Queen is off to an early bed time and I’m sitting here writing you. Hope you enjoy the pictures~!
Good night Ya’ll —– Thankx for stopping by~!