Rolled out of the sack this morning determined to get a jump on the day and get something accomplished. My bride got up the same time I did, we had our smokes and coffee. Angie also had a bout with GI issues, so we wound up sitting for a while waiting for that to clear up. She finally announced she thought she was good to (she made a chicken fajita mix last night, which amazed the hell out of me because she typically don’t like that kind of stuff — and I think that’s what was whoopin’ up on her) and off we went. First stop was a jewelry store…. the other day at the beach, I volunteered to open a guys beer (who didn’t have a bottle opener) using my patented wedding ring trick. I’ll be go to hell if I didn’t snap my wedding band~! I have opened hundreds of bottles like that without issue…. and pop – there it went. So my wedding band is now in the shop. Dammit Emmit~! Left there and went to a new store. We had been there once before on one our very first trips around the island and we were under impressed. Today was a whole different story, I think because we were a lot more relaxed and comfortable this time. Kind of like a small scale SAM’s. We got us some smokes (even cheaper there $36 for a carton!) and a box of Payday candy bars (been on a Payday kick lately) – we will go back Friday to load up for stuff we’ll need for Jeni and company Friday~! Left there and stopped by another place, kind of like a Farm Boy — checking into getting some hot dogs from them. That’s where Blues gets their hot dogs and they are delicious~! Didn’t get any because we don’t have space in the freezer (10 lbs minimum) but I think I have that dilemma solved too 😉 Left there and headed for the condo… stopped for a couple of drinks at Blues on the way back and caught up on the local chatter and then back to rest up for our next adventure.
As I said yesterday – we had been invited to view a turtle hatching. Pretty unique event and only open by invitation. We met up at the gate to Sandy Point National Wildlife Refuge. They close the entire area from March through August so turtles can nest on the beaches without being disturbed. They have the hatching down to almost a science and said they had a nest due to hatch tonight. We no sooner got out on the beach, (we were right next to the beach where the final scene of the movie The Shawshank Redemption was filmed) and almost on queue, them little hummers started popping up out of the sand. Quite a site to see. Sadly – absolutely no photography of the event was allowed. After about 40 of them little dudes popped out, there was a nice discussion about them (Leather Back turtles) – then we actually got to hold one of the hatchlings…. very, very, cool. We then followed our guide to another section of the beach and got to watch them release 10 hatchlings on that beach (they spread them out around the area for a better chance of survival) Unless they allow photography the next time – I’m not in a big rush to watch another hatching again – but definitely something worth seeing at least once in your life.
Good night Ya’ll —- Thankx for stopping in~!