Started out our day by loading up my gear and a cooler and heading for the West end of the island, to Frederiksted and the pier. Met up with the new dive club I joined (CRABBS) for a fun dive off of the pier. There was a small freighter docked up on the end of the pier, so we couldn’t go all the way out, but it still turned out to be a very nice dive. Nice and relaxed, lots of wildlife to see and enjoy including a small friendly Green Turtle. I shared that video already on FB so the dive club members could see it. I’ll see if it’s short enough to put on here as well (I can only get about an 18 second video on here) Got another video my Queen took for me, showing how we enter the water for this particular spot. Fun little jump into the water versus the usual wading out and swimming. I hope you enjoy watching it. I saw a lot of new fish on today’s dive that I haven’t seen before. I’ve got some homework to do now to figure out what they are. I have been practicing my breathing technique trying to get a little more time on a tank. Being an old overweight, out of shape smoker – I have only been getting 30-35 minutes to a tank of air, course a lot of that depends on how deep you go too. Today I got a full 60 minutes~!! Woo-Hoo….. Yay me~! (we only went to 30′ today so that helped) – but still…. 60 minutes~!! 🙂
Finished up the dive and got the gear all put away and met up with some non-diving members and spouses of members down the road just a bit for a BBQ. It was a pot luck and everybody brought a little something. Everybody sat and ate, discussed the dive and just chatted in general for a couple of hours. All the while sitting on that gorgeous beach looking out over the water. Beautiful~!
Finally wrapped everything up and everybody headed home. We got here, I rinsed all my gear off (got to get the salt off of it) got my shower and set down with a drink with my Bride to enjoy our conditioned air and reflect on a really nice day. As evening started settling in – we were treated to a gorgeous tropical sunset. From start to finish, the kind of day a lot of people fantasize about…… and we are lucky enough to be living it.
I have 100 pictures from today. Obviously ain’t gonna put them all up today, so will save some for the next couple of posts.
Good night Ya’ll —– Thankx for stopping in~!

IMG_6425 <—- Jumping in video