Rolled out of the sack this a.m. a hellva lot earlier than I intended to with a screaming headache, stomach cramps and having to whizz so bad I could almost taste it…… fortunately by the time I came out of the bathroom, almost all of that was gone. I walked out onto the patio and lit my first cigarette while I watched a plum of rain dropping from a large gray cloud over Buck island with a bright sunrise peaking out behind it. Wish I would have had my wit’s together enough to grab my camera — but like Dad always said….wish in one hand and $hit in the other and see which one fills up first. So that beautiful site is committed to the massive photo album in my brain. I came in, got a shot of OJ and sat down to catch up on the overnight events going on back in the world. A bit later my Queen came stumbling out, so I got up, started the coffee, gulped down a couple of aspirin with a large chug of water and went out to join her for her first smoke.
I spent the next couple of hours chatting with my Bride and catching up on news, FB and getting ready for another dive. This dive was considerably different from all other dives I have made so far. All my dives have been with a paid Dive Master leading the dive and taking care of all dive preparations. This one I was to meet up with an acquaintance and just be part of the dive. I had to get my own air, and weights. I took it one step farther, by going to a new dive shop to get the air and weights. I guess getting older is starting to take a little toll on me…… Normally, being out of my element or comfort zone was no big deal…… I’d waltz into any new situation like I owned it and just plow my way through it. Pretty much did that this morning, but it was a lot more intimidating than I remember, but I did it…… guess I’m just gonna have to get out of that comfort zone a little more often and get back into the swing of it.
The dive turned out to be one of the most enjoyable dives I’ve had since I got on the island….. I wasn’t constantly chasing a guide – I got to bottle-ass around pretty much at my own pace — and I loved it. Tons of wildlife down there today….. visibility left a lot to be desired, but still managed some fun shots. Aside from a million fish, also got to see a beautiful Hawksbill turtle, lobster, flounder and a gorgeous sting ray~! I got some really good video of it, but afraid it’s to big to load on here so you’ll probably have to catch it on FB. I could on for another 500 words, but I’m gonna spare you. Will put up some pictures and see if I have a couple of videos small enough to put up on here.
{{{ Happy Birthday to my Sugar Pop }}}
Good night Ya’ll ….. Thankx for stopping in~!

GOPR5557 <——– Flounder video
GOPR5578 <——- Large school of fish
GOPR5579 <——- Another large school of fish
Traffic hazard……..