For the first time since we left the continental United States, which is coming up on almost a year — we had an entire day without a single ray of sunshine. It seemed almost unnatural….. We woke up this morning to a completely grayed out sky and lots and lots of rain. And it stayed that way, all the way through sunset. What once was Hurricane Beryl was making it’s approach to our beautiful island. It had since been downgraded to a tropical depression by the time it got here, but put on a pretty good show for such a “little storm”. Rains being whipped by 25-35 mile per hour winds kept us off the main patio most of the day, safely tucked into our little patio watching it. We were treated to the biggest surf on our beach that we have seen since we’ve been here. There were multiple occasions when we had what were easily 8′ waves rolling in. On most other days – we have 2′-3′ waves, with an occasional odd one at 4′ or so — but these were huge. I will confess for a very fleeting moment, I wondered how much ‘fun’ it would be to go out in the kayak and battle them, but common sense quickly prevailed as I thought about the last time I was out in the middle of that mess. Maybe 10 years and 30 lbs ago I might have 😉 So I guess there is at least a little bit of truth in the adage of getting smarter with age….. just takes some of us guys longer than others I reckon~~
I tried to get a couple of pictures and a video for you – haven’t looked at the pictures yet, but afraid they will not do justice to the power of those waves, but still you’ll get the idea. Really didn’t do much else. Watched a movie called The Commuter with Liam Neilson — it wasn’t bad, not near as good as most of his stuff, but it was entertaining. Also watch The Burbs with Tom Hanks…. I can’t believe he would do a movie that stupid but I guess everyone is entitled to an occasional ‘Aww $hit‘…… Caught a couple more episodes of The Andy Griffith show – we’re into Season 2 now….The rest of the time was spent watching the storm blow by — by far more entertaining than anything we watched on the idiot box today~!
Good night Ya’ll ….. Thankx for stopping in~!
(Happy birthday to my Sister Leta – Love ya Sis~!)
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