The day started out by rolling out of the sack around 06:30 after a not so restful night. My bride was having a fitful early morning, and we she has those mornings – I usually do too. Only difference, she can go back to bed and zonk out, I have yet to master that particular talent. I guess you’ll have that though when you share a bed. Does lend some credence though to couples who sleep in separate beds….
Plan today was to make a run into town to a local hardware store and pick up a couple of things for the condo and then for dinner, check out a new restaurant my Queen wants to try out because they offer Oysters. That woman can wear out some Oysters and she hasn’t had any since we left the states. Kinda like me and my pizza fixes, except pizza is easier to find…… good pizza is a little bit tougher….
Got a slow start to the day and breakfast became brunch. By the time the dishes were done and bellies settled, we were pretty much out of the mood to go into town, so we spent the day watching the idiot box. By the time we started getting hungry again, my Queen said she wasn’t really in the mood to get cleaned up to go into town and that she would just make something. I have to admit, I wasn’t thrilled when she said she was making lasagna…… last time she made that, was probably 10 years ago and I told her ‘thank you for dinner’ but she did not have to ever get in a hurry to make it again….. but I was ready to give it another try. She made some garlic bread with it and the condo smelled wonderful. She brought out what turned out to be some nice looking lasagna and it was actually pretty tasty. I found out later it was a store bought bake and serve, but hey– it was tasty and I didn’t have to cook – so….win/win. Wound up the day pretty much the same way we spent the day….. and here I am. Still have some pictures from the dive the other day, so you have new pix to look at, and we’ll see if we make it out tomorrow.
Good night Ya’ll —– Thankx for stopping in~!