Rolled out of the sack at a whopping 07:30 this a.m. — woo-ho~! Must have been them wonderfully marvelous Salisbury steaks I had in me that made me sleep so good 😉 My Queen rolled out about a half hour after me and we just took it easy waking up and enjoying a gorgeous morning. Not really hungry until about 10:00, we decided to wait until 11:00 and go up to Blues for our breakfast/lunch. I had to do some ciphering for my next project anyway. We got there right at 11:00 and sat down and had a couple of drinks. I got the measurements and info I needed for the project and came back to the bar and got me a hotdog. These dudes are almost as good as my 214’s I used to make back at the house all the time. Those of you lucky enough to have stopped by when my grill was going, know what I’m talking about. Best hot dog on the planet~! My bride had a BBQ pork sammich with coleslaw on the top. We had another drink and chatted with the Blues crew. We each contributed a dollar to the Shake of the day which was at $ 1183.00 today. Slogan on the board wasn’t changed, so I decided another picture of it wasn’t really necessary.
Came back to the condo and I decided I needed to try out my new toy. Switched to my swimming trunks and ocean shoes, grabbed my camera and kayak and headed out into the water. Not a clean and smooth process for my first attempt…. not by a long shot, but I finally managed to get my big touchas situated and headed out into a not very friendly surf. It wasn’t pretty my friends……. nay though I tried mightily to look smooth and cool – it never happened. First off, trying that (a new small racy kayak for the first time) in those conditions, is not something a smart person would have done……. never having been overly intelligent, I went anyway. Secondly, doing that right after drinking 4 beers or so and inhaling a 1/4 pound hotdog wasn’t an Einstein moment either. Especially when you’re a worn out old fat man that is about 15-20 lbs heavier than he ought to be —- but I gave it the old college try~! I did manage to make it out past the breakers….. I did manage to get off a picture or two [I think, I haven’t look at them yet] I even managed to actually get my feet up into the boat for about a minute…. damn that thing gets real wobbly when you do that. I spent probably 20-25 minutes out there before I finally called it and pointed it toward the shore. Wow, my belly felt like I had been doing sit ups for an hour. Just trying to keep the damn thing upright was a workout in itself….. so yeppers – I think this will help get rid of my gut, provided I maintain some kind of regiment (and not go out full of hotdogs and beer). Interested to see what I got for pictures for you. My bride took some shots and a couple of video’s, so you should get a little entertainment from that (if they’ll play for you). I’ll put them on FB as well in case they don’t work here. Dive planned for tomorrow — Can’t wait~!!
Good night Ya’ll ….. Thankx for stopping in~!

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