Sunday clouds……

Woke up after another almost perfect night of sleep again thankx to that wonderful elixir they call Cortisone~! It wasn’t an uninterrupted sleep, but dang close to it. Got up bright and early to a heavy mix of clouds with intermittent sprinkles and showers – but lots of sunshine in between.

Told Jim I’d give him a hand with some chores he was wanting to get done up at Blues first thing this morning. Knocking them out quickly, we sat and chatted and had a couple of cold beers. I came back to the house to a hungry Bride, so I hustled on into the kitchen and whooped up a hearty breakfast for us. Eggs, bacon, sausage patties, sausage links, biscuits and some hash browns, all washed down with a glass of ice cold milk. I sat down on the couch to let my meal ‘settle’ a little bit and got a nasty case of TA (tired a$$) but I guess you’ll have that when you put that kind of a meal on top of 3 early morning Budweiser’s   😉  With breakfast nicely settled – I got up and got the dishes done before settling back into the couch for a day of television.  We did that most of the day and watched the occasional rain showers passing through. We even heard  a clap of thunder from one of them~! Believe it or not, that is the first time we have heard thunder since we left Indiana. I miss hearing it…. Thunderstorms were always a source of fascination to me. I want to see a hurricane [from a distance] as I would think it would have lightening and thunder in it. Guess living here, I need to be careful about asking for that now~~~  😉

Really about it — gonna call it quits here and get some more pictures put up for you. My photo program on this website is acting up and I could only get one picture blown up last night…… God only knows what’ll it do tonight.

Please take a couple of minutes out of your extra day off tomorrow to think about the real reason behind the holiday and be thankful for the men and women who helped make your freedom’s possible.

Good night ya’ll — Thankx for stopping in~!

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Born in Germany as an Army brat - I moved permanently to the United States about the time I was ready to start school - Dad put to me to work when I turned 13 tearing off roofs and packing shingles.. I did that, DE tasseled corn and bucked hay all the way through high school. After graduation, moved down South for a year or so trying to figure what I wanted to do. Finally came home and joined the Air Force serving almost 5 years - which included a 3 year tour in Germany, where I met my Queen. Came home and started working as a roofer. Economy went to crap and I knew I would not be able to support my growing family the way I wanted to, so I pestered the HR department at General Electric until they hired me. A very quick almost 34 years, 4 Daughters and 9 Grandkids later - here I am .... waiting as patiently as I can, to start the next chapter of our life - romping around in the Caribbean Sea checking out the various islands that we have not been to yet. Holy $hit what a ride~!!!! ;-)

2 thoughts on “Sunday clouds……”

  1. Gkad the miracle shot is working,,,it really bothers me, keeps me awake, makes my mind whirl thousands of times a minute (so what else is new,,right) my cheeks get red, etc,,but it will settle the pain down, sometimes just have to do it, Glad you heard some thunder,,,no storm here, quiet as can be, but was watching tv,,,,,yes, this late,,everything went black,,,finally called Rick,,,he didn’t answer so called Judy, am sure woke both up,,,Judy has electricity, Rick does not,,no lights in this end anywhere,,,now if you were still here, I would blame you from your big party,,,but you left me,,so can’t blame you,,just kidding,,,but I do miss seeing the cars, and knowing you all were having fun, and yes, I knew we were invited if we wanted to come, Angie invited us first year we lived here,,,ok, maybe told you before, but if I didn’t, 2 shows on Netflix think you might like,,Longmire and Peaky Blinders,,,have not watched that as much, as was hard for me to understand their accent, but know several have raved about it,, To me, Longmire is really good,,,,,modern day Cowboys and Indians only not all fighting,,,yet lots of action in it, lplus the concept of a Sherrif in town next to reservation where casino was built and ther sheriff trying to keep their law,,,,.. two sheriffs,,one on Indian reservation, other in white mans town..,again, great writing, and acting,,,give it a try. Thanks for comments about the real reason for Memorial Day,,..think Chop was more proud of being in the service than anything,,,he said everyone should serve at least a year,,,so to anybody reading this that served,,THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE , and to all who gave your life so we may be free, we are forever grateful, Have a great day, hugs to Angie ,,and thanks to you, Bill for YOUR service. ❤️✔️🇺🇸

    1. Sorry to hear the shot has such weird side effects for you, but happy it does help cut down on some of the pain. I’m looking into some alternate medicine (natural kind) to help ease some of my joint pain. If it works I’ll be sure to share the details with you. Electrical blackouts have become a way of life for us here on the island. They usually don’t last very long – but it’s a pain if you’re in the middle of a show you like, plus, you have to keep re-setting all the digital clocks on everything –still totally worth it to be living here 😉
      We haven’t been doing a bunch of TV binge watching lately. Now that we have about recovered from all of our company, we want to start getting out and being a little more active – I feel better when I’m doing something and I tend to sleep a little better. I always enjoyed chatting with Chop about our time in the military, especially since we were both Air Force. I really like that there is a noticeably stronger push for the general public to appreciate service members. Hopefully it will help some of the younger ingrates appreciate what other people do for them. Same thing for cops and school teachers – all 3 very under valued and under appreciated fields. You’re welcome and Thank you for saying something.
      Great to hear from you again — take care of yourself.

      I’m looking forward to more thunderstorms here…. as long as they keep they don’t get radical I guess~~

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