Managed to worm my way in on another dive this morning….. went along with a couple getting their camera certification…… not sure what all that entails yet – as I have been taking pictures since I got my PADI certification….. guess I’ll have to see what that is all about. Not a spectacular dive, but enjoyable none-the-less! Probably one of the coolest parts of the dive was waiting to get out of the water (after the dive) while the Dutch Navy performed maneuvers on the beach. It looked to be some kind of crowd control training for the security guys, them holding back the surge of ‘deplorables’….. Good Stuff~! Did get to see the remnants of the airplane during the dive…. Dive Master was right, not a lot of it left…. cool to see though~~ Still an enjoyable dive. Got to work on my neutral buoyancy – which is a lot tougher than you would think — Nailed it one time for about 2 minutes……!!!
Early dive so I didn’t get my regular breakfast before I cut out for the dive, so came home, washed the salt out of my mustache with 3 or 4 nice cold Heinekens (these are much smaller bottles than at ‘home’ – don’t want to you all thinking I’m a lush or anything…….I mean don’t really care – just sayin’) my bride had waiting for me…… wound up grilling a couple of burgers and washed them down with a couple more nice cold Heinekens. Yum~! My Queen had been wanting to get a mani/pedi for a while now and finally found a nice spot for it. I drove her to the local mall and she got right in. I was going to have one with her, (YEAH~! I’m not afraid of my masculinity) but they didn’t have an immediate opening, so I wandered the mall and then sat for a couple of hours and people watched while my Queen was tended to. Did a little shopping afterwards for some shirts my Queen was looking for….. never did find them so headed back to the house for drinks.
Did some work on my pictures while I nursed a Crown and coke and tried to put my day down in words. Starting to gear up for our move to our next island (Bonaire)~!! We fly out Wednesday morning and it’s only a 20 minute flight (instead of having to fly back to the good ole U S of A first)- so we should be there and settled into our new place by noon (local time – 2 hours ahead of Southern Indiana)…. Starting to get amped for the new adventures and sights. I do know it is right on the water (not the beach – but an inlet) and it has a pool, although I do not believe it is a private pool this time (guess we’ll have to curtail the skinny dipping for a while) — but hey – it’ll be 2 weeks out from Christmas …. mid 80*’s and sunshine…. I’m good with that~!
Pretty sure I’ve said it before – but if there is anything in particular you’d like to hear or know about our adventures, or questions you may have so far about island living (that I have not already talked about) – leave me a note in the comments — I’ll be glad to research or fill you in best I can about your question(s).
чудесный вечер

Beautiful pictures!!!!
Thank you Baby~~ <3