Big day for me and my Bride. We got to make a SCUBA dive together~! She done so good~!! Made it down to about 30′ and I finally got to swim with her. It was such a great day. On top of just being able to dive together, we saw a handful of beautiful turtles….one of them had to be well over a 100lbs. We got to see a really big bait ball and wound up almost in the middle of it. We got to pose next to King Neptune~! It was wonderful~! The dive master managed to get some really good pictures of us during the dive. I took a bunch of my Queen – but my pictures pale in comparison to the ones of the dive master. No worries – my new filter is already on it’s way to Bonaire and will hopefully show up shortly after we do~! Then I can start banging out those even prettier pictures. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not ashamed of my pictures by any means, but with the right filter – they should be amazing~!! We went out for a celebratory dinner at our new favorite restaurant. We both had the smoke salmon stuffed with crab salad — my bride had shrimp on a hanging metal rod and I got PIZZA~! Not a pizza to write home to Mom about, but it mildly scratched the pizza itch I have been fighting for a while now. We shared a white chocolate cheese cake with cherry topping. Wonderful end, to a wonderful day. We came home, had a drink and then started feeding the mosquito’s…………
I’m gonna make one more dive (tomorrow) before we get out of here. Dive master said we will hopefully find the wreckage of an airplane. She said it is hard to find and there is not much of it left anymore – but still should be fun, just to look for it~!
That’s about it good peoples….. I’m pooped….. more tomorrow. For now – lots of fun pictures.

Baby thank you for believing that I could do this!!
Today meant the world to me that I could share it with you❤️
It was amazing!!
You’re welcome Baby…. Tickled to death you mustered up the nerve to try it for me….. Sure do Love You Baby~!