Chatting with my Queen this morning and asked her if she’d like to go out for breakfast this morning instead of cooking. She liked the idea, so we jumped into the bus and headed for Williwood – home of the goat burger….. about the only place I knew of that advertised having breakfast. Aside from that, their menu advertised a flamingo breakfast and my Queen wanted to see what Flamingo tasted like. I told her I didn’t think it was actually the bird they were serving – but she wanted to try none-the-less………. We got there and settled in and a small pleasant woman came out to take our order (and we were appreciative) 😉 Asking about the Flamingo breakfast, the nice lady informed us, it was just the name of the breakfast special ( I presume because there is a place to stop and look at a bunch of Flamingo’s just down the street from them) Finding out it was pretty much a standard fare breakfast, my Queen went ahead and ordered it, only to be told, “We don’t have any eggs, the entire island is out of eggs”. Dammit Emmit~!
Now I have got to tell you….. first thing that went through my head, when she said that – was WOW, that is F**ked up~! The entire island ??? Hmmm, they had plenty the day before when we got ours for the house…… The entire island ??? Was there a mass rush of people buying eggs? Were the chickens on strike? I know the roosters are out there because you can hear them day in and day out~! That can’t be right, but she was quite adamant about it. She spoke excellent English, so I’m sure I understood her correctly…. The entire island ??? Rather than pursue the issue, we opted for some items from the lunch menu. My Queen ordered a ham & cheese panini and I opted for the tuna melt. Much like the fate of the goat burger – I can say with most certainty, we won’t be ordering either of those items again, and leave it at that, altho, the resident pussy cat perked right up when it got a whiff of my tuna melt. …. The entire island ???? I know~! I should have came home and got our eggs – I could have sold them on the street for a profit~!!! Dammit Emmit~!
After that, we came back and decided we needed to do a hooch run, and the only place on the island we could find our beloved Crown (Don’t even think about trying to find VO) – was on the other side of the big city…. and you’ve heard about how I navigate the big city, but we were running critically low on booze – so back into the bus – and away we went…. I guess we have gotten lost enough, that we are starting to recognize more and more stuff (even in the big city) and made it there with only minor deviations…….. got back to a sweltering house, so peeled off our clothes and bailed into the pool……. what a great way to wipe out a couple of hours or so of heat, humidity and frustration. My Queen made a wonderfully delicious dinner of spaghetti with mussels (not clams) and French bread to wrap our day up with…. glad she didn’t need eggs……….
Спокойной ночи