Fun filled ‘action packed’ day today… started off on my ‘getting back in shape’ walk – journeyed almost to the coast coming across mostly lizards and one grand old looking cactus. Came back and loaded up the bus (which is what I’m gonna call that big diesel Mitsubishi SUV) and headed out for another new beach. Found it with little trouble – (Kokomo Beach). Nice little place with a good lookin’ bar — Nice beach with some lounge chairs that they happily charge you $ 7.50 ANG (about $4.26 USD) each to use – and naturally, you aren’t allowed to bring your own. This particular day, the bar had a waiter, who seemed quite aggravated with the fact he had to do his job – but we made him do it anyway. It was kind of fun watching him sash-say around all in a tizzy, but we aimed to have a bite to eat before we lit out into our new snorkeling adventure. (we missed breakfast because the stove was kaput – turns out I inadvertently switched it off–my bad) Anyhow, went out for about an hour or so snorkeling. Not over impressed with the place – although I did manage to come across a Lion Fish~! Another must-see checked off of the list~! Those things are beautiful – hope to see a much larger one~!! A lot of ocean surge kept the water churned up a little bit and a lot of heavy duty clouds also contributed to less than excellent conditions – but still beautiful water.
Came back to the house for a quick dip in the pool and a couple of drinks. My Queen informed me I needed to go fetch more booze, mix and a bag of ice. I googled the closest place to us, jumped in the bus and was off like a herd of turtles~! Pulled into this establishment, that looked MUCH different on the web site…… to start with, web site didn’t say anything about 15 cats and a dirt floor. I have gotten used to the cats in the stores….. but this place was out of control. The proprietors were two elderly people who spoke nothing but what I am presuming was Vietnamese. They were talking with a young lady (whom I believe was Swedish) trying to find (what I eventually figured out) later was sparkling water… She didn’t speak their language, they didn’t speak hers and then I step in…. I did manage however, to find her some sparkling water though…… she made it out and now its my turn….. OMG….. First off – trying to explain what whiskey was, was the first challenge…. after multiple attempts, I was going to cut my losses and try to find somewhere else to fill my alcoholic needs…. but NOOooo – they were not about to let me leave without a purchase. Finally grabbed a bottle of something I recognized, 2 cans of coke and my bag of ice. The lady had no idea what the bottle of booze cost, so she got on the phone to get that piece of intel while the older gentleman continued to try and sell me stuff. I think I almost bought a cat…….. Once she got the price, then she saw I was paying in USD, so out come the calculator for conversions……. oh my lord what a clusterf**k……. I swear, if there would have been a video of that – it would have already went viral. Words just does not do justice to that event…….
Came back to the house and decided I was not up for cooking after the whole liquor store debacle…. so headed out to a place we spotted yesterday that my Bride said she would like to check out. Place was in a small town, dubiously dubbed Williwood – The original name of the town was Willibrordous, but I guess the locals thought Williwood had more flair (They even modeled up a Williwood sign – much like Hollywood). Settled down at the table and in typical Island Time…. waiter sashayed up (yes another one) but at least he was in a good mood and friendly…. handed out menu’s and got us our drinks. You could have pretty much anything on the menu you wanted – as long as it was a goat burger. Now I gotta tell ya, I have tried a lot of things in the past 60 years – but I can say with quite a bit of confidence – goat has never been one of them. We each had — wait for it — a goat burger. My Queen got the classic, while I opted for the one described as “Go for it” (ALL the fixin’s, including goat cheese)….. wow….. unique kind of sammich right there…….. I’m not saying it was terrible, but there is an above average chance, I won’t be having another one any way soon. Don’t know if was the way it was prepared or what…… but, No thank you~~ Finished up with a very dry piece of Red Velvet cake washed down by a local beer……. that’s a meal we’ll remember for a while. Took the check inside of a small attached convenience store as instructed. Picked up a couple of other small items and paid the bill. At least this place had a tile floor……. 😉
Happy Birthday to my Daughter Stephanie~!!! <3