Started my day off with a morning walk, didn’t get in a full hour, but this walk included some small mountain climbing through some damn unfriendly environment… but a fun walk none-the-less…… scared up a blue dozen small lizards, handful of birds and a jackrabbit… also found out we are only 5 minutes or so from the coast 🙂
Ventured out again to find the post office, which we did successfully -yay! – and then came back, switched into swimming gear and loaded up and took off for a beach I found on Google Earth. Amazingly, drove straight to it – albeit- down some roads that looked like you’d hear Dueling Banjo’s playing at any minute. Wound up on a beautiful privately owned (meaning you had to pay (($3.00USD)) to get in) beach, but worth EVERY penny….. some of the most beautiful snorkeling I have ever done…… they have a wonderful little bar there, a dive shop, showers, just about all you could ask for – and it’s only 10 minutes from where we live 🙂 I spoke with the folks at the dive shop and after looking me up on line, they said they would honor my brand new “certified” PADI diver status~!! So I am looking to book a couple of dives with them – seems like a real friendly shop~! After seeing what the snorkeling was like there – I can’t wait to actually DIVE it — WOOO-HOOooo~!!
I got to check off a couple of my ‘must sees’ during these snorkels…. including a cute little spotted moray eel, a big gorgeous spotted Eagle Ray AND a turtle — not sure of the type – a Hawk Bill I think, but not 100% sure, but it was beautiful~!!! Still waiting for my first Octopus……… maybe on my next dive (cause now I can bring my camera~!)
Sharing some pictures, will save some for slow days because I saved 50+ pictures on this adventure ((took well over a 100, but sorted out the ‘junk’ shots))
I hope you enjoy looking at them a fraction as much as I did taking them~!