Well, we moved to yet another location on the island today. We did this in the midst of a nasty rain storm as we traversed the island. New location is Morritts on the East end of the island. So far very unhappy and very unimpressed with the place, but I don’t transition well when things don’t go my way – and checking in, they did not go my way…. but we’ve had a couple of drinks, a bite to eat (which we shared with the local bird population) back in our room now, cooled off and now thinking maybe I’m over reacting a bit…. I’m hoping a cool shower and a good nights sleep will help the outlook tomorrow.
Internet is here, is puny at best and paid for by the day – so not sure how much posting I’m gonna get done…. so bear with me.
Here’s a couple of pictures…… more tomorrow (hopefully)~~
Well it looks like my video isn’t go to load properly – don’t know if it’s me or this mickey mouse internet…. sorry~~